
Wapsi Post 473, Womens Auxiliary Unit 473, Sons of the American Legion Squadron 473
3397 County Road X-64
The American Legion Family of Oxford Junction, Iowa extends an invitation to all who are interested in finding out what we are all about. We are home to Wapsie Post 473, Women’s Auxiliary Unit 473 and Sons of The American Legion Squadron 473.
For Reservations, Contact:
Carmie Nowachek

Oxford Junction Cemetery Association
3513 42nd St
Oxford Junction Cemetery Association was formed in the 1920s and has made significant contributions over the years for the improvement of Mayflower Cemetery. Major improvements made through donations and bequeaths include an iron fence on the original front of the cemetery in 1955, vinyl fencing on the south and east side in 2007, a new directory in 2013 and fencing for the new addition in 2015.
Don Benhart
For questions relating to the cemetery or plots, contact:
Rita Balichek

Oxford Junction Heritage Museum
107 W Broadway St
Oxford Junction Heritage Museum began in 1995 as a place to store items significant to the history of Oxford Junction.
Museum is open by appointment.
For access to the museum, contact:
Dennis VonSpreckon
Rita Balichek

Oxford Junction Community Center
115 Broadway St
The Oxford Junction Community Center hosts various community activities including city council meetings, bingo, and other events. The Community center is available to rent for birthdays, parties, and other activities.
For Reservations, Contact:
Barb Brauer
Rex Johnson